Ravi Sastri Ayyagari
Dr. Ravi Sastri Ayyagari holds a Ph.D in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. He pursued his Postdoctoral research at Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute (Johns Hopkins University), in the area of failure modeling of advanced ceramics and at National University of Singapore in the area of failure in weld microstructures using crsytal plasticity. In December 2016, he joined as an assistant professor in the discipline of Mechanical engineering. His current work focusses on understanding the role of anisotropic growth and resorption in mechanical failure of bones – through studies on topological and morphological aspects of cancellous bones and hierarchical structural architectures of cortical bones. His long-term goal is to use this understanding for improving the conditions of Osteoporotic patients.
Selected Publications
- Ayyagari, Ravi Sastri, and Murat Vural. “Multiaxial yield surface of transversely isotropic foams: Part I—Modeling.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids74 (2015): 49-67.
- Shafiq, Muhammad, et al. “Multiaxial yield surface of transversely isotropic foams: Part II—Experimental.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids76 (2015): 224-236.
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